Cabot Sets Up Office in Jeromesville as Company Targets Knox Formation

From the Ashland Source:
With exploratory drilling of fracking wells underway in Ashland County, Cabot Oil & Gas has set up a local office in Jeromesville.

The Houston-based company marked the move with a ribbon cutting Monday at the newly leased office at 31 W. Main Street.

"We were looking for a central location where we could be able to interact with the community, and this was the perfect spot... A lot of people have questions, and we want to provide answers," said George Stark, director of external affairs for Cabot's north region.

The questions surround Cabot's current activities and future plans in Ashland and surrounding counties.

The company is looking for fossil fuels-- either oil or natural gas-- below the Utica Shale formation. Cabot plans to drill at least five exploratory wells by the end of the year.
Read more by clicking here.

And then, from NGI:
With one exploratory prospect in West Texas scrapped, Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. continues to work a hunch that the old oilfields of north-central Ohio might hold promise that can be unlocked with unconventional drilling. 
The company currently has three permits to drill exploratory wells in three townships in Ashland County, about 50 miles west of Canton, according to Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) records. A Cabot representative has also told local news media that tests could be done on up to five wells in Ashland and nearby Richland County. 
Over the years, the Knox's three main members - Each of the three sites is permitted for a vertical stratigraphic test targeting the Rome formation, - the Beekmantown, Rose Run and Copper Ridge - have been widely developed by legacy oil and gas producers in the state. 
The Cambrian-aged dolomite and sandstone rocks, some of the oldest in the Appalachian Basin, all sit below the Knox Unconformity, an erosional surface underneath the Trenton Limestone and the prolific Utica / Point Pleasant formations. The Knox made a name for itself in the 1960s, when more than 30 million bbl of oil and associated natural gas are produced during the Morrow County oil boom, one of the country's last unregulated gushers that evolved in backyards, cemeteries, parks or anywhere else that leasing rights could be acquired. 
They moved too quickly on tight spacing and depleted the formation pressures, said Youngstown State University's Jeffrey Dick, a geology professor who directs the Natural Gas and Water Resources Institute.
Read that whole article by clicking here. 

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