DTE Provides Updates on NEXUS Pipeline

From Seeking Alpha's transcript of DTE Energy Company's 2nd quarter earnings call:
There is a lot going on at GSP related to future growth. So NEXUS construction is now 80% complete and progressing well. In fact, a group of us along with some board members flew to the pipeline route yesterday, and saw mostly dirt covering pipe, so that's a good sign.
Later in the call:
I'd like to start with an update on the NEXUS pipeline. Before I highlight some of the progress we have made on construction, I want to take a step back and talk about project as we see it. It is a long-term project that will help grow this business segment for many years to come. We're very encouraged by forecasts of future production in the Basin served by NEXUS. The pipe is located over the most prolific, one of the most prolific dry gas basins in the country. 
Basin's production capacity is expected to grow significantly from 28 BCF a day to 40 BCF a day by the end of next decade. Forecasters are also predicting that basin will be short in capacity in the very near future. And our ongoing discussion with producers of the seas and industrials reflect this sentiment. We have enough volume under discussion to fill the pipe, so this pipe is clearly needed and well-positioned. Given this, we are focused on getting long-term deals to provide a strong base for NEXUS for years to come. We expect these that play out after the construction is complete and the pipe goes into service. This is something that is counted to play in our financial plan. 
Speaking of construction, we have made significant progress in all aspects of construction, and we are approximately 80% complete. 100% of mainline walling on the pipe is completed, leading this walling as a key milestone in any pipeline project, and we are in very good shape with this phase. 
Regarding our horizontal threshold drilling, we have completed 16 of the 18 HDDs we need to drill, which is another key phase in construction and the two remaining HDDs are pretty minor in terms of size. So all-in-all, we are pleased with how the NEXUS project is coming together. We look forward to growing this platform much like we have done with our other existing pipeline assets, and we expect the pipe to be a strong contributor within GSP for many years to come. 
Our Link collateral and gathering asset continues to perform well and they progress towards future growth. Jerry mentioned the $250 million expansion Link that our Board of Directors recently approved. This is the third expansion of Link. This investment is really coming along well. Volumes and investments are coming in faster than a pro-forma plan we have shared with you. 
Additionally, we are currently evaluating a number of acquisition opportunities roughly the size of Link. We have multiple assets under consideration, and we are in detail evaluation base of one asset in particular. As I've said before, when talking to investors of potential acquisitions, they are very disciplined in our approach, we are focused on assets that fits strategically in our GSP portfolio and keep our business mix where we like it. We will continue to update you on our progress in this area.
View the whole transcript by clicking here. 

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