Environmentalists Causing Headaches for Midstream Pipeline Companies

From the Pittsburgh Business Times:
An expert in strategic communication for energy company expects the environment to get even more challenging for midstream companies as it deals with protests, recent challenges to construction and incidents like theBeaver County pipeline blast earlier this month. 
Environmentalists with deep pockets are challenging the pipeline industry with strategies that are leading to long delays for pipeline projects, said Jackie Stewart, managing director of FTI Consulting. And that, coupled with regulatory delays, are skyrocketing costs. 
"These things are not going to go away. They are going to get worse as we continue to go along, especially in light of the recent events," Stewart said. 
The Appalachian Regional Conference brought together midstream personnel and was sponsored by GPA Midstream Appalachian Basin. It comes at a time of increased scrutiny for the pipeline industry, after high-profile regulatory challenges and delays for the Mariner East 2 and Mountain Valley Pipeline, among projects An explosion Sept. 10 in Center Township on a pipeline owned by Energy Transfer Partners has led to more attention, industry executives say. 
Those could go a long way in an environment where energy companies companies that could mitigate risks by having a strategic communications and government affairs plan in place as an asit as strategy community and trade investment. get painted with a broad brush, Stewart said. 
"Just because your project may not have been responsible for something, a pipeline is a pipeline is a pipeline to people," she said. "Most of the time they are not going to know the difference.
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