Cracker Plant Helps Bring New Factory to Stark County

From The Canton Repository:
Jeff Lukas, who handles business development for IML, said the company needed a central location close to one of its larger customers, Land O’ Lakes. IML was shipping containers from facilities in Iowa and Quebec, and needed a location where it could add production. 
“We needed something in between,” Lukas said. 
The Canton area met the location requirement, and shipping logistics are easier because of the region’s highway system, Lukas said. 
Additionally, Ohio proved to be a business-friendly state, Lukas said. 
Ray Hexamer, president of the Stark Economic Development Board, said the agency worked with Team Northeast Ohio and JobsOhio to develop an incentive package for IML. The Ohio Tax Credit Authority reviewed the proposal and during a meeting on Monday approved a 1.129 percent, seven-year job creation tax credit for the company. 
Plans are for IML Containers of Ohio to provide research and development, die cutting, molding, production and warehousing for packaging use with a variety of food products.
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