ODNR Releases 2018 Third Quarter Utica Shale Production Data

From the Ohio Department of Natural Resources:
During the third quarter of 2018, Ohio’s horizontal shale wells produced 5,545,536 barrels of oil and 605,716,125 Mcf (605 billion cubic feet) of natural gas, according to figures released today by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). 
Natural gas production from the third quarter of 2018 showed a 31.44% increase over the third quarter of 2017, while oil production increased 31.79% for the same period. 
                                2017 Quarter 3 (Shale) 2018 Quarter 3 (Shale)     % Change
Barrels of Oil                 4,207,674 bbl                 5,545,536 bbl                      31.79%
Mcf of Natural Gas 460,844,826 Mcf            605,716,125 Mcf                31.44% 
The ODNR quarterly report lists 2,242 horizontal shale wells, 2,198 of which reported oil and natural gas production during the quarter. Of the wells reporting oil and natural gas results:  
  • The average amount of oil produced was 2,523 barrels.
  • The average amount of natural gas produced was 275,576 Mcf.
  • The average number of second quarter days in production was 84.

All horizontal production reports can be accessed at oilandgas.ohiodnr.gov/production.
Ohio law does not require the separate reporting of Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) or condensate. Oil and gas reporting totals list on the report include NGLs and condensate.
We will have our detailed breakdown of the production data for you soon!

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