Ohio EPA Requests Early Stakeholder Input for Potential Oil and Gas Rules

Ohio EPA is requesting early stakeholder input until Dec. 19, 2018, on potential rules that would cover air pollution emissions from existing non-conventional oil and gas facilities that are not currently covered by Ohio EPA’s most recent general permit.
The rules would cover similar equipment and requirements that are currently covered in U.S. EPA’s New Source Performance Standards for the oil and natural gas sector, as well as Ohio EPA’s oil and gas general permits. The rules would cover both existing and new sources like oil and gas well sites and gas compressor stations.
This early stakeholder outreach provides stakeholders with an opportunity to provide their comments and suggestions before the Agency drafts the language of the rules. After the Agency has addressed comments received during this outreach, it will draft proposed rule language and hold an interested party comment period to solicit comments on the rule language before continuing through the rest of the rule promulgation steps. 
Information on the early stakeholder outreach for these rules can be found online at epa.ohio.gov/Portals/27/regs/3745-31/ESO_NewOilandGasRules_2018.pdf. Comments should be sent by the close of business on Dec. 19 to Mike Hopkins, Ohio EPA Division of Air Pollution Control, PO Box 1049, Columbus, OH 43216-1049, or by email to mike.hopkins@epa.ohio.gov.

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