Founder of the Center for Industrial Progress Touts Fossil Fuel Benefits

From Business Journal Daily:
An energy theorist and founder of the Center for Industrial Progress, a for-profit think tank based in California, says efforts to constrict the use of fossil fuels stand to make overall life on the planet worse, not better. 
“There are unique positives that outweigh the unique negatives,” Alex Epstein, author of the book “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels,” told attendees at the Youngstown/Warren Regional Commerce’s annual meeting Thursday at Mr. Anthony’s Banquet Center. “The fossil fuel industry is the only industry that can supply enough energy so that billions can afford it.” 
Epstein often clashes with environmentalists and scientists who say that the continued use of fossil fuels – oil, natural gas and coal – to power society has contributed to global warming and is irreparably damaging the earth. They also challenge Epstein’s reluctance to accept renewable forms of energy – solar and wind, for example – as a workable alternative to traditional energy sources.
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