OOGA PR Director Touts Benefits of Natural Gas Development in Ohio

From The New Philadelphia Times-Reporter:
Over the past nine years, the oil and gas industry has brought jobs, better roads and increased tax revenues to counties and school districts throughout eastern Ohio. 
That was the message that Mike Chadsey, director of public relations for the Ohio Oil and Gas Association, brought to members of the New Philadelphia Rotary on Tuesday. 
After he made his presentation, he stopped at The Times-Reporter office to discuss issues related to the industry. 
“I am grateful to have had the opportunity to speak to the Rotary Club today,” he said. “My message was, as Tuscarawas County, you are not on the outside looking in, regarding shale development. There is much going on locally that is positive and directly connected to the oil and gas industry.” 
Between 2010 and 2015, the industry has paid $45.8 million in taxes in six Ohio counties — Belmont, Carroll, Guernsey, Harrison, Monroe and Noble, he said. During that time, it paid $14 million in property taxes in Carroll County and $11 million in Harrison County.
Click here to read more. 

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