Rover Pipeline Tax Revenue Having Positive Impact in Ohio

From the Sentinel-Tribune:
The Rover Pipeline paid more than $4 million to Wood County in annual property taxes for 2018, with more than $69 million paid across the state, according to a press release issued by the company. 
Across the full four-state project, the pipeline paid nearly $73 million in annual property taxes, and is expected to pay more than $180 million across the entire route in property taxes for 2019. This takes into account the full operations of the pipeline going service in the last quarter of 2018.

The property taxes generated by the pipeline are paid to the local taxing authorities, which are then responsible for distributing the money based on the individual taxing guidelines set forth by each taxing jurisdiction, or county.
That article also notes:
Additionally, Rover has donated more than $375,000 to a variety of local non-profits and emergency management associations along the route, which includes the Ann Arbor YMCA, the Mountaineer Food Bank and the Ohio 4H Youth.
Read the whole article by clicking here.

And from Richland Source:
The Shelby City Schools District is attempting one last Hail Mary to build a new Pre-K through eighth grade building in the district. 
After failing three times in 12 months to pass a bond issue in the district to fund a new facility, Shelby City Schools has one last option to build a new building without needing any additional taxpayer money. 
The Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) is still considering funding half of a new building in Shelby if the district can come up with their half - which could be possible thanks to the Rover Pipeline.
Click here to read the rest of this article.

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