Ascent Resources is Loving Life in the Utica Shale

From Kallanish Energy:
Like comedian Rodney Dangerfield, the Utica Shale gets no respect, and that’s wrong because the Utica is “really a phenomenal reservoir,” according to Jeff A. Fisher, CEO of Ascent Resources. 
The Utica play, primarily in eastern Ohio, is “still a bit misunderstood” and often overlooked, Fisher told an audience of roughly 600 Wednesday at Hart Energy’s 11th annual DUG East Conference and Exhibition in this Pennsylvania city. Kallanish Energy was in attendance. 
“This play really shines. The rock really performs,” he said. 
Defending the Utica’s ‘robustness’ 
There is no champion speaking out in defense of the Utica Shale and that’s unfortunate, he said before proceeding to defend the Utica and what he called its “robustness.” 
It produces dry natural gas, wet natural gas, natural gas liquids and condensate, depending on where in the Utica Shale you are drilling, Fisher said. His company has drilled 400 Utica wells and is the eighth-largest natural gas producer in the U.S.
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