Dimock Landowner at the Center of Cabot Lawsuit Says He Was Used by Activists, Lawyers

From the Susquehanna Independent:
Last week’s ruling by a Susquehanna County judge in the case of the Dimock Twp. man once identified as the voice and face of the anti-fracking movement has helped narrow the focus of the breach of contract lawsuit energy giant Cabot Gas filed against him two years ago. 
In 2017, Cabot Oil & Gas Corp., of Houston, Texas, sued Raymond Kemble, of Dimock Twp., for bad mouthing the company in violation of an agreement he signed as part of a settlement in an earlier lawsuit against Cabot for polluting his property. 
In its lawsuit against Kemble, Cabot alleged that Missouri-based lawyer Charles Speer teamed up with Pennsylvania attorneys Clancy Boylan and Edward Ciaramboli in 2012 to commence nuisance claims against natural gas operators in Pennsylvania. Cabot sued Kemble after the attorneys’ lawsuit was dismissed as frivolous earlier that year. 
But as a result of a ruling by President Judge Jason Legg last week, those attorneys may not now use the traditional attorney client privilege to avoid answering questions about their representation of Kemble, normally an area off-limits to inquiry. 
Legg issued a similar ruling towards what is known as the work product privilege, writing “the work product privilege does not apply to this litigation as the underlying question becomes the knowledge and state of mind of the attorney defendants in connection with the filing of the 2017 litigation.” 
The content of their advice, conversations and research with Kemble could be crucial to Cabot’s lawsuit as Kemble has denied knowing of, or consenting to the filing of that lawsuit.
The rest of this article can be read by clicking right here. 

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