ODNR Looking for Contractors to Plug Old Wells

From the Akron Beacon Journal:
The state has millions of dollars to spend on plugging old and potentially hazardous oil and natural gas wells. Now, it’s looking for more contractors to do the work. 
Prolific shale wells and a change in state law have boosted the Ohio Department of Natural Resources fund for plugging so-called orphan wells. 
The orphan well program has nearly $25 million this fiscal year — $10 million more than the previous year — and is looking to have $28.1 million next fiscal year. 
“We’ve got a lot of money to spend, and we want to plug a lot of wells,” Rick Simmers, chief of ODNR’s Division of Oil and Gas, told a group of plugging contractors Wednesday during a meeting at Portage Lakes State Park. 
“We need more contractors,” Simmers said.
Read on by clicking right here. 

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