Op-ed Attacks Ohio's First Energy Nuclear Plant Bailout

From the Toledo Blade comes an op-ed by Leah Vukmir, Vice President of the National Taxpayers Union:
It was disappointing to see the Ohio legislature cave to special interest pressure with the passage of the “Ohio Clean Air Program” or House Bill 6, a massive bailout for FirstEnergy Solutions and its failing nuclear power plants. 
FES has maintained that their Ohio plants Davis-Besse and Perry are unprofitable and need assistance from the government to remain operational. Despite these claims, the company did not provide documents to show their financial well-being and fought an amendment requiring FES to open its financial books to prove they’re unprofitable. If a company is unwilling to be transparent it is safe to assume their intentions are not in consumers’ interests. 
Instead of making a compelling argument, FirstEnergy defaulted to crony capitalism and rolled out a misleading public relations campaign. Ohio residents received glossy mailers urging them to contact their senators to support H.B. 6.
Read on by clicking right here. 

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