Gas Lobby Striking Back as Environmentalists Try to Ban New Gas Hook-Ups

From Bloomberg:
With moves to ban new natural gas hook-ups growing in popularity as a means of tackling climate change, the industry is fighting back.

The American Gas Association, which represents distributors, is seeking to forge new alliances to counter a trend started by Berkeley -- which became the first U.S. city to require new buildings to be all electric from January -- that has spread elsewhere in California and is on the verge of going national.

“We are well down that path of pulling in natural allies who can share the message that taking away options -- without understanding the implications -- is not fair to communities,” said Scott Prochazka, the new chairman of the AGA, who’s also the chief executive officer of CenterPoint Energy Inc.

For more on natural gas bans, click here

The AGA cited as a recent example a proposal put forward in Seattle to adopt a ban on gas in new construction. The resolution was tabled after a diverse group of restaurant owners, labor unions, realtors and home builders came together in opposition.
Read on by clicking right here. 

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