Company Looking for Permission to Build Two New Injection Wells in Ohio

From the Times Leader:
Tri-State Environmental of Cadiz has applied for permits to install two different brine injection wells off Fairview Road in Kirkwood Township, Belmont County.

According to a public notice, Tri-State has applied for permits with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to dig two wells to inject brine water associated with the production of oil and natural gas. The first well would be called Tri-State #1, in Section 31, Kirkwood Township. 
“The proposed well will inject into the Ohio Shale at a depth of 4,600 to 4,800 feet. The average injection is estimated to be 4,000 barrels per day,” according to the notice. “The maximum injection pressure is estimated to be 1,060 psi.” 
The second well would be called Tri-State #2, in Section 25, Kirkwood Township. 
“The proposed well will inject into the Bass Islands through Salina Group at a depth of 5,200 to 5,500 feet,” the notice states. 
The No. 2 well also would receive an estimated 4,000 barrels of brine per day. This would equate to about 168,000 gallons per day.
Read the whole article by clicking here. 

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